Had never been to Thailand until this week. Seems its a country that loves it coups. I believe 10 or so since 1971. We had been watching it simmer for a couple of weeks and were wondering if the lid would blow off. Well it didn't quite blow off but boiled over enough for us to convince the desk to drop the Stockwell Day visit for a quick trip to Bangkok.
We were having lovely evening feast at Mark McKinnon's house. Lamb shank. The best meal since I got here. Just as dessert was appearing the buzzing of blackberries interrupted us and people started to shuffle off to do their jobs. Ben left at 10 and I hung on til 11 then off to the office. I was about 4 am when I finally got home and we were do for Photo op at 8 am. We did catch up with Stockwell at 9:30 am and where back in the office around 11. We then pitched the idea of going and the desk said yes about 1pm and by 3 we where heading to the airport.
We arrived in Bangkok around 11 pm and were met by a friend of a colleague, Melissa. She works for the UN in Bangkok. Now I think she wants to be full time fixer/producer. Off to the hotel to drop the bags then off to the demonstrations which where mostly drunken hooligans. Quick stand up then back to file with AP (wire service) pictures. Another 4 am night. By the way it was 30C
at night.
Tuesday morning we headed off to find the "red shirts" and eventually found them burning buses and in a bit of a standoff between police. I was warned by a friend, Jim, to watch out for the sling shots. Lots of rocks had been thrown, but fortunately I missed the bulk of the violence.
By late afternoon things seemed to had calmed down and the country was back on a normal even keel. Well as even as Thailand can get.
Was pleasantly rewarded for putting about 45 hours in 3 days with Wednesday off in Thailand. Ben flew back Wed as there was only one seat available.
So it simmers while I take a week off and head home to see Maggi and my dog and have a few meals with my family. Above are a few snaps from Melissa. She was kind enough to give them to me as was a victim of a pick pocket and had my cell phone and digital camera pinched. But that's another story....