Not the best news out of Afghanistan today.
Javed Yazamy was his name, but Jojo was what we called him. I first met him in July of 2006 while embedded with Ben in Afghanistan. He, and his "brother" worked as a fixer, cameraman covering the city of Kandahar for us. He had the biggest risk, shooting the IED aftermath and other city events that were to hot for us to go to. If you at all follow the war in Afghanistan you have seen his work.
According to media reports, he was sitting in his car just outside of the govenors palace when a white Toyota Corolla pulled up along side and open fired. He was killed instantly according to the Dr. who pronouced him dead.
Jojo had his faults, but don't we all. He also recently had been held as an enemy combatant by the US military. He spent almost a year in custody and was released without explaination.
At the end of the day he was a character. He helped me, and for that I consider him a friend and colleague. I'm not surprised to hear the news, but I'm saddened by it all the same. He was one of kind, had sly smile and hustled to survive in a very inhospitable place. He will be missed.
Nice tribute to Jojo, Bud...thanks for sharing him with us.
Love you
Well said Barry.
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