OK so here is my take on Tibet. It has nothing to do with the Dalai Lama and religion. Sure the Chinese want him out of the picture or at least to zip it. My opinion, (personal opinion,) it's about water and natural resources. India and Tibet have four glaciers that feed four major river system. The Chinese, who are currently take all they can out of Africa at an alarming rate, won't let anything happen to the few natural resources they possess.
Personally I like the Dalai Lama. Covered him in Ottawa and thought he was hilarious. Always cracking jokes and smiling. I bit like Nelson Mandela. How can you not like the guy? Besides he's a bit like a panda, cute but you might not want to hug him.
So on to the circus. The DL is a bit like covering Bono. Lots of security, tons of adoring fans all in all a traveling road show worth of any Hollywood star or musician. The Taiwanese fresh from hold the World Games, mustered up 8 tour buses and media handlers. With a very fluid Dalai schedule, we headed out from Kaoshing to a town, actual WAS a town as the place was wiped off the map but the typhoon and accompanying mudslide, Shiaolin village. Since the roads where heavily damaged we walk the last kilometre or so.
Dalai shows up and holds a prayer service for the dead and survivors. Given the heat and humidity my hats off to the 70 sum year old guy.
Next it was back up hill and back to the other side of Kaoshing. Two hours later we the media where just late enough to have him drive by and wave.
If you want to see the story here you go. Other wise enjoy the pictures!
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