Friday, February 12, 2010

Olympic fever

So as I reassess my career decision on coming to China, and yes I made the right one, I'm watching with envy the party that is the Olympics. When announced I thought it was a huge waste of money. Now that it's here, I'm wishing I was there. There is an infectious spirit to it. To bad we can't bottle it and use it when other tragedies like Haiti and others happen. Maggi, my wife is volunteering with the Canadian Ski Patrol so she is enjoying the spirit as well. Hope she has a blast.

Just before Christmas, Ben, Qi and I did a quick trip up to Qi's home town to find the Coach for the Chinese Aerial Team. He is a Canadian. They have a shot at medaling so forgive me if a give a little cheer for the Chinese this winter. Enjoy.

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