Where to begin? Perhaps I will break this in to two parts.
Part one. Welcome to Jas Johal. After being orphaned by my previous colleague Ben, who took a great opportunity at the “other” network, I found out in late August, early September that my new corresponded would be Jas. Jas is a Vancouver guy, and has spent numerous embeds in Afghanistan. He was also the India correspondent up until the spring when he returned to Vancouver to cover some maternity leave.
So Jas has applied for his Visa for China, but in usual Chinese fashion has been left waiting for 2 and half months. Hopefully it is resolved soon and after my Christmas break the China bureau will be up and running again at full speed.
In the mean time I have been doing a little shooting here and there as Canada and China celebrated 40 years of diplomatic relations in the fall. You wouldn’t know it by the speed of the visa process, but I digress. To many ministers blew through Beijing doing nothing but photo ops and refusing to take questions from the Beijing based Canadian media. Funny, sound a bit like Ottawa.
Part two. The biggest thing lately has been North Korea and South Korea playing kick the can. It has cost the South the lives of 2 marines and 2 citizens. So I don’t wish to make light of there deaths, but I will give you my take on it.
After the shelling, Jas and I talked about going via phone, I didn’t think that Global would pay for it, even though it is a large story with the potential to drag the US in to another war and also possible the Chinese. I doubt it will come to that but Mr. Kim is unpredictable and the Chinese are protective of the Yellow Sea.
I arrived on Saturday night, the 26th of November; Jas flew in from London on the 27th. He was able to line up a professor Andrei Lankov. Interesting character, a little bizarre in mannerisms but knows what he’s talking about. Boils down to this: Blackmail. Give the North Koreans half a billion dollars, they will knock it off for a while. The sub incident, and the shelling are both messages to the US, and South Korea, saying hey, we want food and money, give that and we will be quiet. Don’t and we will cause trouble for you.
Perhaps an over simplification, but I kind of agree with his assessment.
China is the one that concerns me. China with all their economic strength wants to be see as a world player and be take seriously. Well time for them to stand up and smack there neighbour and friend upside the head and tell them to knock it off. China and maybe Iran and Burma are North Korea’s only friends. China is the only country that can apply any pressure on North Korea. Their failure to get involved I think is why they still are not up to the responsibility of being a World Power. It seems China’s biggest concern is that an US aircraft carrier is now in the Yellow Sea. Well if you don’t get off your duff and get involved, expect to see a lot more of the American Navy floating around your house.
Alright, that’s it for now, feel free to comment or tell me I’m way off on my assessments.
Had some great Korean BBQ and Kimchee in Seoul. Have most of my paperwork done for next year and should have my passport back any day now.
So technically 9 months to go in my little deal here. Have to have a talk with Maggi and the bosses, but looking forward to coming home and getting back to family, friends and fishing. Will see if I have one more blog in me before Christmas. If not, enjoy and if you are around Ottawa between the 15th and the 29th, email or call as I’ll be tucked in to Dunrobin Ontario for Christmas. Thanks, Barry.
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